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Securing the world’s largest offshore windfarm with 长颈鹿1 x

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A major expansion of national energy infrastructure is taking place not only in Europe, 但在世界范围内. 据预测,海上风电将成为欧洲重要的电力来源, 它朝向 net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This will require rapid expansion of windfarms, which will have a significant impact on the coastal and offshore environment, on a scale that has not been seen before and therefore important to protect. 这可以被认为是实现向无化石社会过渡的可再生能源能力的重要一步.

为了管理和确保大型基础设施承诺的扩大,必须找到防空和海上风能共存的解决方案. 这对于确保世界各国能够保持其防空和预警能力,同时充分发挥其海上风电潜力并保护其国家安全利益至关重要.

Saab and the Danish company Ørst, known for its global business within renewable energy, tested an offshore radar concept with the 3D AESA radar system 长颈鹿1 x on the world's largest operating offshore wind farm Hornsea 1, 2021年9月至10月期间,在英国水域约克郡海岸以东120公里处. 测试, which were carried out with satisfactory results, were remotely managed from 瑞典 and monitored from Denmark by Saab, Ørst, 丹麦皇家空军, and the UK's NATS air traffic control. 目的是减轻海上风电场对已知空中和海上图像的干扰,并验证其在沿海和海上环境中的性能,包括极端天气条件和最高风速等参数.

Promising environment for 长颈鹿1 x

监视和预警一个国家的领空对于保护其公民和关键基础设施免受空中威胁至关重要. Long-range air defence radars have been located on land sites for decades, on high ground with unhindered view of the sea to best make threat assessments. 雷达,如 4长颈鹿 continuously scan immense volumes of airspace every day 24/7, and detect airborne threats and anomalies. 在过去十年中, 海上风力涡轮机对防空预警雷达的影响也得到了认可. Offshore wind turbines are large, numerous and they move. 每个叶片大约有70-100米长,未来风力涡轮机的叶片可能更长. This movement of the blades is picked-up by radar and create unwanted clutter, reduction in performance and noise on radar screens. 海上风电场正在远离海岸,与此同时,随着海洋环境和活动的变化,地球的曲率仍然是一个事实.

Great leverage of small size

短程或中程, high-resolution offshore 3D radar can be a flexible and affordable solution, 长颈鹿1 x is a combination of operational flexibility, 多任务处理能力和多角色使用,可同时跟踪多达600个机载和其他类型的目标. 该系统还提供增强低、慢、小(ELSS)飞行目标检测功能. 该技术和应用能够补充海上风电场及其周围的态势感知,甚至超越地面远程雷达的雷达视界.

然而, offshore wind farms do not only generate energy, but also increasing demand activities from  vessels, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are needed for the construction, operation and maintenance of those wind farms. 为了确保海上基础设施的安全运行,需要对这些活动进行监控, not least to support search and rescue services in their missions.

Coexistence of defence and offshore wind energy

星际网赌导航与Ørst的合作前景广阔,是双方共存领域的先驱. 长颈鹿1X在世界上最大的海上风电场的试验结果将在下一阶段由合作伙伴与相关政府利益相关者分享. 这样做的目的是使当局能够接受海洋区域和具体项目. 此外, 将制定一种标准化的方法,以保证国防和海上风能的长期共存. 所有这些都有助于进一步发展海上风电场的现实要求及其国家行为体的态势感知的知识和能力基础, 包括武装部队.